Preventing injury from frequent fainting spells? Undiagnosed ( possibly POTS?)

Any help or advice is appreciated. My grandma has been having fainting spells since she was in her 20's. She randomly, uncontrollably and with NO symptoms to recognize a faint is happening will pass out, fully black out, and has hit her head almost every time this has happened recently.

She has passed out while standing, slamming her head into something and hurting other parts of herself while falling at least 5-9 times in 2024. It's gotten very dangerous. What do we do?? The only thing I can think of to prevent this is to get an alert dog which is thousands of thousands of dollars, and likely would take months if not longer. Also she is allergic to dogs. 🫠. So not ideal at all. Please, any help or ideas to prevent her from hitting her head when she falls!!!

Also, she has been trying to get this diagnosed forever and no one has any answers at all. It's so frustrating as I know you all have gone through this pain.